Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I have just been pumping out drawing after drawing and none of it has to do with my homework. I don't want to say that's unfortunate, but I suppose it is. But here's some of the work I've been doing lately.

I practiced some animation here with one of the mermaids from Peter Pan

I first started out with a blue photocopy pen and went over it with a tuscan red prisma colored pencil
and then outlined it in a 0.3 Staedtler permanent pen.

and finished it off with some colored pencils! 

Here's those cars I was speaking about earlier. I got the Jurassic Park cruiser in here and I was so proud. Not to fond of anything else though. 

This is my Mermaid that I threw in photoshop. The original was on lined paper on the back of my "History of Film" notes. Oops. 

Here's a Castiel drawing. I drew a really terrible one before this trying to do it in a realistic style... yeah forget that. I should just probably stick with the cartoons. 

For my Drawing for Animation class, we had to pick a CG animated character and do a turnaround for it. So I chose Remy from Ratatouille. Here's his turn around. 

I watched Hercules recently and I've always LOVED Meg. So I decided to draw her. She's not perfectly on model, but her face came out amazing. 

So all of this and only got my quick sketch homework done. I'm probably doomed, but obviously the school is helping me improve my skill and I'm so very happy about this. Today, I have quick sketch, so we'll see how my homework turns out in class and we'll see what we get today. Our teacher has been very upset, not necessarily with our work, but with how quickly we get pushed through the system and it seems we've all missed a crucial level of foundation art that he's expecting. So he's slowed down and has taken some time with us, so our syllabus is all out of whack and every day is a new adventure. So We'll find out what he has for us today!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Food Poisoning and Ugly Cars

So a couple weeks ago, I got myself a nasty case of food poisoning from some bad sushi. Never going to that place again. I was so sick, I thought I was going to die. I woke up that morning for school and felt shaky and nauseous. I figured taking a shower would totally make me feel better. So I got in the shower and felt even worse after getting out. I kept talking myself up, saying I'm just over dramatizing it. So I get in the car and head off to school. I got 20 minutes down the road into the town that my mom lives in, and I get so shaky and sick that I almost pass out. I head to my mom's house and decided to stay there for the day. There's no way I was going to make it to class.
Mom takes care of me while I"m there, but we couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I thought it might have been the sushi, but I've never had food poisoning before and I just couldn't believe it was that. We thought maybe I got a quick 24 hour flu bug or something. I even took a pregnancy test. I was on the couch in agony when Mom told me she would be going to the store to get some food and medicine. Not even 10 minutes after she left, I almost called an ambulance because I was in such terrible pain.
It wasn't until the next day that I could get a doctor's appointment. I woke up feeling much better that day. The doctor told me that it seriously sounds like I had a case of food poisoning. I just couldn't believe it. Food poisoning. Crazy!
Needless to say, I did not attend school that week. Which was terrible because I was so far behind in the first place. However, I had a friend from class send me my homework and I tried to keep up which actually having the days off gave me lots of time to catch up.

Then I had work on Friday, which was my last day of work with Walmart! So, I was super excited about that. Now I have plenty of time to do my homework, yet, I'm still really lazy. We had to turn in these car drawings for quick sketch and mine came out terrible. But I found out that everyone felt awful about their cars and the teacher feels we've been mislead, so he gave us a different project to get this foundation down that we all seem to be lacking. We were to draw bugs and their pieces and I feel that something clicked! Everything fell into place and I finally got something going!

Here's what I did.

I've also gotten in the mood for drawing a lot this week! Of course not my drawing for animation homework, but I've been drawing everything else. 

Aaaaaaaand, things have been heating up on the Walking Dead and I've totally fallen for the Bethyl ship! Daryl x Beth... omg they're so cute! So I drew this.

I do have some other work that I've yet to scan because I've been so very lazy and swamped. So I'll try to get that up for everyone. But for the time being, I hope everyone enjoys this!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cat Doodles!

I doodled my cat today who sat so still until I decided to take this picture.