Sunday, February 16, 2014

So Late! Oh, so late!

I'm sorry, I know I promised to upload "tomorrow" like... a week and a half ago, but better late than never? Right? I have to get this in before my next classes! That's for sure! So much has happened in the past couple weeks. Wow, I'm reading through my blog and I have been really lazy on sharing.

Let's start from where I last left off with my Quick Sketch class. So in quick sketch, the following week was our Creature Design. We were to combine at least three different creatures to come up with something entirely new. We had to come up with a little background story and so on. I came up with the Ragarroth. We had to do a bunch of thumbnails though. I'll give you some of my favorite thumbnails.

The winning design was the one that I ended up filling out a little bit more, and he came out looking like this

I receieved a decent grade ont his and a decent review. He wished there were more local tone and he said some of the body overlapping didn't quite match. Like the stomach meeting the thigh doesn't make sense and the tail. 

The following week, our assignment was to draw 3-5 drawings on 4 pages of "Props". Which for me, is very frustrating. I can't do mechanical, static, rigid things to save my life. However, once I got into the groove, things started getting better. 

They got better over time, but I just have such an issue with realism. Things got very off track this week as well. So I went to my morning class on Thursday and suddenly, it began to snow outside. By the time we were done with class, the school had to close due to Dangerous Weather Conditions. I had a friend come pick me up from school and it took her an hour to get to me when it usually takes about 20 minutes. By the time she picked me up, the snow was about 3 inches. It took us 3 hours to get to her house. My mom was going to meet us there, and it took her three hours to get to my friends house. Finally they picked me up and it took us 3 hours to get home. So grand total, it took me 6 hours to get home. Which, it's usually only an hour's drive.
Then I got snowed in at my mom's house because we refused to go any further. 

Here's pictures of us walking to Fred Meyer to get some food before we were completely snowed in


Okay, so now, for this week. We were told to redesign our creatures because Lee White feels that he (and the school) pushes us through classes too quickly and he wants to slow down and take our time on something. So he told us to take our creatures home and fix them up. 

This was my end result:

So it's been a bit of a crazy couple weeks. 
Oh, I also put my two weeks notice in at Walmart to further persue my education. That way, I won't have work to get in the way of me doing homework. My only batle now will be against my procrastination. 

Oh, on top of that, we also adopted three little chicks so we can have some eggs when they get older!

Torchic, Janora, Majora

Like I said, big couple weeks. I promise to update more often.

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