Friday, January 31, 2014

Hallway Gallery

Last term, I took Intermediate Drawing and had two pieces submitted to the Hallway Gallery. They go to a panel of judges and are judged before being put up in the hallway. For the one that made the gallery, our assignment was to choose an artist from a specific art movement era, and copy their style with a minimum of four figures around a bus stop. It had to be done first in wet colored media, then done back over with a dry media.
I chose Ersnt Ludwig Kirchner from German Expressionism and placed my figures around a bus stop. However I wanted to use his stylized characters from the past and pull them into modern time. So I placed everyone around the bus stop and they were all looking down at their phones. First done in water color, then colored over top with chalk pastel. Done on 18x24

Here's the piece on the wall:

The other piece was a narrative table piece. It was to be done in one point or two point perspective. It had to have at least one ellipse (such as a vase, cup, or bowl), and suggest a figure (by implying someone is near like a shadow or a hand or by having just a figure). This had to be done in achromatic wet media and then a dry media. 
My narrative table was of a young woman returning home drunk to her apartment. Done with india ink and chalk pastel.  

here's the process to that piece:

Needless to say, Chalk pastel is veeeeeeeeery messy! But it's worth it. It's a media that you can manipulate very well. Nothing is ever really permanent and you can mix colors to your liking very easily. I love chalk pastel. I couldn't even attempt using oil pastel afterward. I do like the colored pencil, but for something that is this big, I didn't want to get that detailed with a fine tip colored pencil. Chalk pastel turned out perfect for this assignment.

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