Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 1 of Quick Sketch

Quick sketch is a great class. I think Lee White is the only one to teach it at The Art Institute in Portland. I highly recommend this teacher. He knows what he's talking about. He's illustrated many books and has his art shown in many galleries. He's also sick of the way that schools have been teaching students. Taking them away from replicating master pieces and forcing the pressure on to new artists expecting something new out of them. He doesn't think this is the way to teach. There's a reason so much great art came out of the Renaissance era and that was because all of those artists studied and replicated works of art. There was a reason all of the guys hung around each other aside from similar company. 
So Lee believes in bringing people back to the basics and developing a skill from replication and teaching us to take control of our pens. You are only allowed to use permanent pen in this class, and there's many reasons to it, but the main reason being that we need to make confident smooth lines. We need to have faith in ourselves. 
Many of his students are working full time jobs in concept design, illustration, digital paint, or other well paying jobs. He is definitely someone you want to keep working with throughout your years at school and possibly after you graduate as well.
These are some of the sketches from my first week of class. The assignment was to draw a character from Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks, A Comic book Character, Drawings from Life (which I omitted because I was very unhappy with them), and a character of our choice.

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